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Super 8 Digitalisierungsanlage mit Canon-Kamera
5216 | Optics for 16mm film transfer (all sensors)

5216 | Optics for 16mm film transfer (all sensors)

€770.00 Regular Price
€490.00Sale Price

incl. 19% VAT

For a short time we are selling some demo optics, remaining stock and prototypes from our inventory at greatly reduced prices.

The lens 5216 is like the lens 5016, but looks a little different on the outside and may contain a few blemishes that do not affect the function.

It is a special lens for film transfer (16mm) with mirrorless, DSLR and film cameras, which creates a fixed connection between camera and projector. The lens can be used for all sensor sizes including full format. Perfect for all cameras that have an interchangeable lens and a video mode.

The lens fits in all projectors with 44 mm inner diameter of the optics shaft (e.g. Bauer). We can adapt the adapter for other projectors. Uniform sharpness right to the edges, even the film grain can be focused. The lens is supplied with an adapter for your camera.

Brilliant image thanks to multi-coated lens system. Can also be used for macro photography.


    We were the first company to develop optics that are specifically optimized for Super 8 / 16 mm film transfer with DSLR cameras, film cameras and smartphone or iPhone cameras.

    Taking photos and filming with the new generation of DSLR cameras and film cameras sets quality standards that can now also be achieved in the transfer of narrow films. The size of the sensor and the ever-improving functions make it possible to produce sharp, low-noise films that offer a better contrast range than conventional cameras.

    The transfer can be carried out up to 4k depending on the camera, in combination with our special lamp and a projector that has been modified exactly to 16.66 frames per second (e.g. ELMO GS-1200 with quartz control or electronically controlled Bauer projector).

    Using different spacer rings, the optics can be adjusted to suit various camera sensor sizes.

    Thanks to a flexible ring that allows you to adjust the optics sideways, it is even possible to record Normal 8 / Double 8 films in addition to Super 8.
    The HD or 4k scan reproduces the Super 8 film in brilliant quality and is easy to carry out without any great technical knowledge. Only the horizontal mirroring of the film must be carried out after recording using suitable editing software (e.g. Premiere Pro, Magix deluxe ...).


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